2013 Best Practices Forum on Dropout Prevention Youth Poster Contest
The National Dropout Prevention Center/Network, in partnership with the Kansas State Department of Education, is sponsoring a Youth Poster Contest to increase youth voice and promote awareness of Dropout Prevention. Through the poster contest, youth have an opportunity to share important messages about dropout prevention in a creative competition.
The rules are simple; students should create a unique poster that demonstrates a Dropout Prevention message with the theme, "Connecting in a High Speed World: Preparing for Graduation and Beyond." Each poster will be judged on creativity and how effectively youth convey their message. Poster entries will be displayed and voted on by the attendees at the 2013 Best Practices Forum on Dropout Prevention April 14 -17, 2013 in Kansas City, Missouri. The winning posters will be announced on April 17, 2013. Submissions must be received by April 11, 2013.
Click here for the Youth Poster Contest Rules
Click here for the Youth Poster Contest Entry Form
2013 Best Practices Forum on Dropout Prevention Registration Scholarships
Make plans to attend the 2013 Best Practices Forum on Dropout Prevention, "Connecting in a High Speed World: Preparing for Graduation and Beyond," to be held Sunday, April 14, 2013, through Wednesday, April 17, 2013, at the InterContinental Kansas City at the Plaza, Kansas City, Missouri. This year's Forum is designed to enhance the leadership skills of all adults who are seeking to strengthen interventions among school, community, and families, especially to assist those in at-risk situations. Early Bird Registration Ends April 1st
Register online at: http://www.dropoutprevention.org/conferences/2013-best-practices-forum-dropout-prevention.
A limited number of registration scholarships are now available to assist potential participants who need partial assistance to attend the 2013 Best Practices Forum. They are $100 each and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are interested in receiving a scholarship, please contact Jessica Noble at 785-296-3163 or jnoble@ksde.org for directions.
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