Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fatherhood Grant Recipients...

Noncustodial fathers, fathers in arrears of child support and needing job skills,,, check out a program near you.... Why not take advantage of federal-funded programs to move your life forward?

The Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood initiative is part of ACF's strategy to improve the lives of children. ACF funded a local network of 121 organizations in 47 states to provide comprehensive healthy relationship and marriage education services, responsible parenting, and job and career advancement activities to advance economic stability and improve the overall well-being of children and their parents. 

Check This Out...

Connections to Success

This highlight is part of a series entitled Highlights from the Field: Office of Family Assistance Programs at Work for American Families.


 Connections to Success: Juan Evans King

This highlight from the field is a video interview with Juan Evans King, a participant through the Connections to Success program, a Responsible Fatherhood grantee of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Family Assistance.     

The Responsible Fatherhood program funds projects that integrate robust economic stability services, healthy marriage activities, and activities designed to foster responsible parenting. Fatherhood grantees must concurrently implement all three Promoting Responsible Fatherhood authorized activities (Healthy Marriage, Responsible Parenting, and Economic Stability).


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