Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Resources for Learning Code: A Guide from Around the Web


These are either short or full-length courses on the major aspects of computer science and technology posted on the web. While all are not free, many have starter courses that teach the basics and allow one to preview what the entire modules/courses deliver.

TitleResource TypeDescription Skills Developed
Maker Camp Course30 days of DIY and making! Maker Camp is a free virtual summer camp on Google+, open to all.(FREE)
Making Sense of Data Courseself-paced, online course is intended for anyone who wants to learn more about how to structure, visualize, and manipulate data.(FREE) Data management; data science
"HTML Workshop" CourseThis "HTML Workshop: HTML Training for Beginners "course will teach you the tags used to build web pages using HTML 4.0. You will be able to build simple web pages after you finish this HTML training course". 17 lectures, 2+ hours, 11,400 students, 70 discussions. (FREE) HTML, web development
Learn to set up websites from Scratch CourseOver 24 lectures and 3.5 hours of content!
Learn about Webhosting and Domain name system
Learn about website setup
Learn all about WordPress Setup
Learn to set up emails, FTP accounts and make your website live. (FREE)
Cpanel, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), CSS, Joomla, Wordpress
Learn Javascript and Jquery from Scratch CourseOver 10 lectures and 2 hours of content!
Master JavaScript Syntax
Master the JQuery Library
Quickly build Web Projects using JS and Jquery (FREE)
Javascript, Jquery
Mastering HTML5 Programming - The Easier Way CourseOver 35 lectures and 7 hours of content!
By the end of the course you will be able to understand the core concepts of HTML5 and CCS3
You will be able to create HTML5 APP and Front end for your websites and web products
You will learn about interesting features like Drop and Drag , Multimedia, Web sockets and Web messaging (FREE)
HTML5, CCS3, app development
Coding for Entrepreneurs (Basic) CourseA Free Introduction to "Coding for Entrepreneurs | A Programming Class for the Non-Technical Founder" on Udemy. Over 27 lectures and 3.5 hours of content.(FREE) Python, Django, CSS, MySQL
Comprehensive JavaScript Programming CourseThis comprehensive JavaScript programming course will teach you how to develop JavaScript applications, specifically you will learn: functions, objects, strings, arrays, debugging, and much more. Over 27 lectures and 3 hours of content.(FREE) Javascript, Jquery, Angular, NodeyJS
Hour of Code CourseTaught by Khan Academy, The 'Hour of Code' is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week and to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming.(FREE) Web development; JavaScript
Try Ruby Course; websiteThis website offers an interactive environment ready to go to start learning. No complicated manual and no setup required. Going through should take you about an hour. Try Ruby will walk you through the very basics of programming in Ruby and give you a sandbox to play around in.(FREE) Ruby language
Code School Course; websiteLearn all the major computer science language in four paths through 30 courses and 1,700 coding challenges. Many at no cost. $29/month. Javascript, Ruby, HTML/CSS, iOS
Skillcrush Course; websitesAn online learning community, where you will gain the digital skills every forward- thinking professional must know. FREE 10-day e-mail bootcamp. 3-month program for $399. Website development, design, app development
Rails for Zombies Course; websiteRails for Zombies is a free online course that provides you five labs, each with a short video followed by a series of exercises where you get to code Rails immediately in your browser. (FREE) Web application development
Flappy Bird Course; tutorialHosted by Hour of Code, writing your own custom version of the game Flappy Bird! (FREE) App development; video gaming
Intro to the Art of Computer Science #1 CourseK-8 level course with 15-25 hours of lesson plans and modules to teach computer science. Concepts include: computational thinking, algorithms, functions, conditionals, abstraction, relay programming, and more.(FREE) Programming, computational thinking

Popular Research

These are some of the most interesting guides, case studies, and working projects in the intersection of computer science, education, community development (especially for youth).

TitleResource TypeDescription Skills Developed
Case study on community information ResearchA reading on how communities have turned their data needs challenges into impactful projects. Compiled by the Knight Foundation.
Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby ResearchA fun, lively read about the peculiar aspects of Ruby. Ruby language; Ruby on Rails
Learning Rails: Live Edition ResearchUnlike most Rails books, Learning Rails is for web developers, and not for programmers. Rather than begin with the inner layers of a Rails web application -- the models and controllers -- this book approaches Rails development from the outer layer: the view side of an application. You'll start from the foundations of the Web you already know, and learn how to create something visible with Rails before reaching the more difficult database models and controller code. Each chapter includes exercises and review questions so you can test your understanding as you go. Ruby language; Ruby on Rails

Tutorials and Games

Here are some fun, accessible games to learn programming and computer languages.

TitleResource TypeDescription Skills Developed
Made with Code TutorialsInitiated by Google, this online project-based community aims to inspire girls to explore fun, beautiful ideas with code programming at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. Features mentors and online community forum.
Lightbot TutorialsLearn core programming logic, starting from super-basic programming, for ages 4+, on iOS or Android (or Web browser) . Learn how to sequence commands, identify patterns, use procedures, and utilize loops! Targeted toward children ages 4 and up. (FREE) iOS, Android programming
MIT AppInventor TutorialsEntertaining, quick video tutorials walk you through building three simple apps for your Android phone or tablet. Designed for novices and experts alike, this hour of code will get you ready to start building your own apps before you know it. Imagine sharing your own app creations with your friends! These activities are suitable for individuals and for teachers leading classes. (FREE) Android programming
Scratch Website; tutorialsWith Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community. Project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Project of MIT Media Lab. (FREE) Video gaming
Tynker TutorialsDesigned to motivate and inspire kids to bring their creative ideas to life.

Kids create their own games, animated stories, and projects, and publish their apps for the web.($50/course)

Video gaming


Here are some of the best workshops for students, teachers, and educators to learn about coding around the country.

TitleResource TypeDescription Skills Developed
LEAD Computer Science Institute (LEAD-CSI) WorkshopThis program exposes middle and high school students from diverse communities to colleges and careers in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. Various in computer science
Google Science Fair  WorkshopThe Google Science Fair is a global competition open to 13-18 olds. Students submit a project online for a chance to win amazing prizes. Various
Google High School Symposium
WorkshopThis is a one day program designed to provide high-achieving high school seniors with valuable business skills before starting college. Technology business skills

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