Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Passionate Youth...Speak Through Talent @ Third Thursdays Jan. 17th

Happy New Year!

Youth City Network ended 2012 successfully and we are heading to a great start in 2013. 3rd Thursdays have been a big hit within the community so far and we are growing every month. Over 20 youth have been impacted by our events and we plan to have more this year. Youth that were shy about performing our now facing their fears and improving in their talent. Those that need an outlet for the emotions and trials are finding ways comfortably share it and be encouraged. 

So, how can you help? 

  • Spread the Word- Word of mouth, share our flier (attached) on social media websites and through email. Tell a co-worker, church youth group pastor/leader, and share with teens in your family. Join the facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ThIrD-ThUrSdays/148769111930842?fref=ts
  • Make it a Field Trip - It's a free event, so the more the merrier!!! If a few youth from your church, youth group or school organization would like to come out make it a field trip. 
  • Donate Prizes - Every month we raffle a prize pack for those youth that perform. If your business or organization would like to donate discount coupons to restaurants, t-shirts, hats, school supplies, etc. If Let us know. 
  • Become a Guest Speaker- Do you have any information about college, jobs,or healthy living? Do you have some inspiring words for our youth? This is a great time to come out and share. 
  • Drop off a Teen- Bring them! Some kids want to come, but don't have transportation. Don't make them miss out on this opportunity. Plus, it's only once a month!! 
YMCA's Red Room
900 N. 8th Street
Starts @6pm

Start by sharing these videos: 

Please see the attached flier and for any questions email 3rdThursdaykc@gmail.com
Lucretia Sutherlin
Co-Founder/Executive Director 
Youth City Network  
"Self Respect, The Starting Point" 

"Our plan is to cultivate an optimistic lifestyle for teenagers by promoting health awareness, self-empowerment, community service, higher education and self-expression to move forward with a better perspective on life.

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