Friday, April 25, 2014

Sustainability, Leverage and Impact: Webinar on Social Enterprise

Sustainability, Leverage and Impact Webinar: How Social Enterprise Can Transform Your Organizations
SE image
Join us for a webinar on how to increase your organization's long-term financial sustainability via social enterprise.  

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Thursday, May 8th | 2:00-3:30 pm (EDT)
Social enterprise - a business whose primary purpose is the common good -  is one of the most rapidly expanding ideas in the social sector. This webinar will introduce the idea of social enterprise to leaders who have heard a lot about it but are not quite sure what it is, how it can help them, and how to get started.

Key concepts explored include:
  1. How social enterprise can support the long term financial health and sustainability of your organization leverage its existing revenue streams and directly deliver mission impact.
  2. Examples of the broad array of social enterprises.
  3. Practical “how to” tips and resources to explore the possibilities
Presented by Kevin Lynch, President/CEO of Social Enterprise Alliance (SEA)
SEA is the champion for social enterprise in the United States, whose aim is for social enterprise to reach its full potential as a force for positive social change, in service to the common good. To achieve this purpose, SEA provides social enterprises with the tools and resources they need to succeed, and work on building an optimal environment in which they can thrive.

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