April 24, 2014 Developing a logic model for your organization may not seem urgent relative to our day-to-day work in the field of black male achievement. However, taking the time to develop this model - which links an organization's activities to its results - is too important to ignore. First, a logic model, because it provides a picture of what your organization is working on, can help us make decisions about what direction to go in and keep the big picture in mind when making decisions. Second, a logic model can be key to demonstrating to external audiences -- including funders -- that the program is having an impact and thus investment worthy. Please see below for how a logic model can help program success, also from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation here. Next week, we will share the next critical step: developing a Theory of Change that outlines the hypothesis, assumptions and evidence for why your organization's activities will presumably lead to desired results. Program Elements | Criteria for Program Success | Benefits of Program Logic Models | Planning and Design | - Program goals and objectives, and important side effects are well defined ahead of time.
- Program goals and objectives are both plausible and possible.
| - Finds “gaps” in the theory or logic of a program and work to resolve them.
- Builds a shared understanding of what the program is all about and how the parts work together.
| Program Implementation and Management | Relevant, credible, and useful performance data can be obtained. | Focuses attention of management on the most important connections between action and results. | Evaluation, Communication, and Marketing | The intended users of the evaluation results have agreed on how they will use the information. | Provides a way to involve and engage stakeholders in the design, processes, and use of evaluation. | Don't forget to check out the IBMA's resource library for more capacity-building and field-building resources. Don't see a resource that you need on a certain area of capacity-building? Please share your resource needs by emailing team@blackmaleachievement.org. | The Institute for Black Male Achievement is a national membership network that seeks to ensure the growth, sustainability, and impact of leaders and organizations committed to improving the life outcomes of black men and boys through systemic change. | |
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