Thursday, April 24, 2014

What Can a Logic Model Do For Me?

April 24, 2014

 Logic_Model_Guide_6Developing a logic model for your organization may not seem urgent relative to our day-to-day work in the field of black male achievement. However, taking the time to develop this model - which links an organization's activities to its results - is too important to ignore. First, a logic model, because it provides a picture of what your organization is working on, can help us make decisions about what direction to go in and keep the big picture in mind when making decisions. Second, a logic model can be key to demonstrating to external audiences -- including funders -- that the program is having an impact and thus investment worthy. Please see below for how a logic model can help program success, also from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation here. Next week, we will share the next critical step: developing a Theory of Change that outlines the hypothesis, assumptions and evidence for why your organization's activities will presumably lead to desired results.
Program Elements

Criteria for Program Success
Benefits of Program Logic Models
Planning and Design
  • Program goals and objectives, and important side effects are well defined ahead of time.
  • Program goals and objectives are both plausible and possible.
  • Finds “gaps” in the theory or logic of a program and work to resolve them.
  • Builds a shared understanding of what the program is all about and how the parts work together.
Implementation and Management
Relevant, credible, and useful performance data can be obtained.
Focuses attention of management on the most important connections between action and results.
Communication, and Marketing
The intended users of the evaluation results have agreed on how they will use the information.
Provides a way to involve and engage stakeholders in the design, processes, and use of evaluation.
Don't forget to check out the IBMA's resource library for more capacity-building and field-building resources. Don't see a resource that you need on a certain area of capacity-building?
Please share your resource needs by emailing 

The Institute for Black Male Achievement is a national membership network that seeks to ensure the growth, sustainability, and impact of leaders and organizations committed to improving the life outcomes of black men and boys through systemic change.

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